Friday, September 18, 2009

Restless, Reformed and Single

I don't know about you, but I know that when I'm trying to decide if someone is dateable, the first thought in my head is almost always "I wonder how the Doctrines of Grace have changed or affected his life?"!

Finally, a site for someone like ME ;) finds love for Calvinists everywhere

P.S. If I was ever going to use this site my name would be RighteousReformista. Just so you know.


Zach said...

You WOULD find a website like that! haha.

Marie said...

1. this post brought joy to my civ class
2. I'd be lost without you... and your explanations of theology. although, I have a couple questions... if I need a study break I will probably ask you
3. this site is hilarious.
4. I love you

Andrew said...

When did you become a Calvy?

Danielle said...

I'm not super hardcore about it, but I guess its been a gradual process (if that makes sense).

I more just thought the site was funny :)

Molly R said...

THAT'S AWESOME!!! Hhahhahahahaa. Don't give me any ideas... ;)