Sunday, September 27, 2009

No. Me. Gusta.

School is starting to get ridiculous. I actually had to turn down an invite to a social outing tomorrow (something I rarely get these days) so that I can stay in and study for History of Christianity test Wednesday. I'd normally just study for it the night before, but I can't because I have an event for work Tuesday night! Not. Cool.

In other news, I've watched like 10 episodes of Police Women of Broward County this weekend, and it kinda makes me want to be a cop. Seriously. Maybe I'll lead a double life one day: Children's Minister by day... Crime Fighting Heroine by night ;)

1 comment:

Marie said...

I agree. When did school get THIS insane?! Bah.

Also, I think that you should definitely pursue this double life thing. Seriously. I'd love you to be a cop.