Cast Members Include:
Laura Prepon as Me:

Geena Davis as my Mom:

Maurice Bernard as my Dad:

Rachel McAdams as my sister Devon:

Jimmy Fallon as my brother Kyle:

Sarah Silverman as my sister Kelly:

My grandparents played by James Garner and Gena Rowlands:

Ellen Page as Marie:

Tom Hanks as Jeremy:

Adam Goldberg as Andrew:

Vanessa Hudgens as Danica:

Katie Holmes as Lauren:

Amber Tamblyn as Allison:

Katherine Heigl as Jessie:

Eva Mendez as Danielle O:

Topher Grace as Daniel:

Bradford Anderson as Ian Dabomb Deetz:

Alexis Bledel as Molly:

I tried to include as many people as I could think of, but if you are reading this and aren't on the list let me know. Also, if you would like someone else to play you, just write who you think would be a better you in the comments...I'll take it in to consideration ;)
John Heder as Andrew:
Screw me.
i think adam goldberg should play andrew. john heder isn't smart enough.
B T dub... tom hanks is 52 years old. just a shade younger than my FATHER...
that was me...
I remember you saying people thought you looked like him, so I couldn't get it out of my head when I was trying to decide yours ;) but adam goldberg works better, so consider yourself changed.
Hanks stays.
Me as Alexis Bledel - high compliment! :)
I would love to see your life in a movie. It would be very entertaining : )
Overall, very good choices! I especially liked the Jessie/Katherine Heigl for some reason. She's perfectly awkward :)
basically, i LOVE this. seriously. ha
nice pick on mine. ha. i didn't expect it, but then again i think i remember us discussing this after seeing juno!
nice change to LG's- much more fitting
and i must say danielle, we did a great job casting your movie. seriously. i did say we, because i helped and i am apparently very vain.
Change my picture, not everyone reads the comments. I can't be associated with that guy any longer.
hahaha i LOVE this! :)
mine is really good, but a better choice for me might be Brad Pitt. He looks just like me
Jessie, you are welcome! Ha. I made a good choice with yours I must say.
Sorry ian...haha
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