Monday, December 8, 2008

Forbes gets it right

Forbes just released the best "prime-time bargains"...basically, the best basketball players for the buck. They compared player statistics to pay to see which players are making the biggest impact and are basically settling for less pay than they deserve.

Guess who was number 1...MANU GINOBILI. He beat out Steve Nash and Kobe Bryant to take the spot of #1 prime-time bargain for a guard*!

Now I finally have proof :)

*I realize that part of the reason some of these guards (like Kobe Bryant) aren't at the top is because they make WAY too much money to qualify as being a "bargain".


Marie said...


Anonymous said...

his ability to flop must have launched him into the lead...

Danielle said...

I take back everything I said about you being wise.