Last night I got to go to the Tyrone Wells show downtown. It was incredible! He was so good live! He played all my favorites, and even one or two off his upcoming album (which I am definitely going to buy). It was actually really cool, because his set was clean. He's not a Christian artist or anything, but he did have very subtle Christian undertones*...a change of pace from my all-time fave Ernie Halter. Ha.
Anyway, when all was said and done, I had an awesome night. More fun than I've had in a long time. Side-note: the show last night was at the Prophet Bar, and apparently anyone who goes and doesn't drink (either because of their age or by choice) gets a stamp on their hand. The funny part? The stamp is a church ;)
Oh, and here is the picture you requested, Marie...I completely forgot my camera in the car during the show, but I managed to get one of Kailea and I on the way back.
And for those of you who have never heard of Tyrone Wells, here is one of my personal faves...
* Tyrone is actually a PK! It's so legit. I'm pretty sure some of his songs his song Stronger: "I'll do my best to be here for you through the years/ But I can't carry all your hidden pain and fears/But there is one who wants to wipe away your tears/ He is waiting/ Lean on the everlasting arms of Jesus"
The other day, in my Religious Education class, this question was posed to us:
"What do you want to teach a child by the time they are 12?"
During class we were supposed to get in groups and discuss what we thought kids need to know by that stage in their lives, and honestly, I was kind of appalled by the answers I heard. I mean at face-value they were all okay answers, but they just really struck me as complete garbage.
Here are some of the first ones I heard...
actions speak louder than words
how to be a good person
how to be obedient
I mean seriously, are you kidding me?! One girl had the audacity to call me "harsh" because I said that they need to know that they are sinners. How can anyone have an appreciation or understanding of salvation without first knowing what sin is and that they are a sinner? I understand that the average child cannot comprehend the intricacies of theology, but what Jesus-loving Children's Minister can look at the kids in their ministry and knowingly keep the whole Truth from them? Bible stories are great and important in building a foundation for these kids, but knowing who Zaccheus was, or being able to sing the books of the Bible in order isn't going to get anyone any closer to Heaven. Just sayin.
I guess the reason it frustrated me so much was because I was thinking of my own (future/potential) children. I don't want my ten/eleven/twelve year old thinking that "being a good person" or being "obedient" means anything without having a personal, intimate relationship with Christ. I mean sure, I want obedient children ;), but in the grand scheme of things that would not be on the top of my list.
My group mentioned Jesus once (minus my submissions) . And the one time they mentioned Him, the exact words were " know Jesus died on a cross". Seriously, that was it. No explanation of His life and why He had to die on a cross, no emphasis on salvation or the Gospel...just flat historical facts. I'm sorry, I know working with kids over the summer and taking classes doesn't make me an expert, but I'm pretty sure the average kid can retain and understand more than that...especially the older ones.
I'm not saying every church should try to scare their kids, or anything like that, but if the thought of Hell scares them...well, it should! Children can be taught all kinds of things as long as they are taught in love and kindness. Give kids the opportunity to understand, instead of withholding Truth from them. Offer them the whole Gospel, not just cartoons or cut-and-dry facts. I know I probably sound like some hardcore beat-truth-into-them type of lady, but I hate the thought of kids wasting what can be the most influential years of growth on pointless trivia or partial Truth.
Alright, I think my rant is over now... *steps off soapbox*
This last week has been a teency bit hectic and stressful, but Praise the Lord, it's the weekend!!! I'm currently watching the Red River Shootout (Hook 'Em!) and am enjoying my first taste of quality alone time (not just time spent alone and studying) in a LONG time.
Since I don't have much to say, I'll just give you the highlights of this past week...
1. Got my grade from my first History of Christianity test...and considering the lack of time I could commit to studying and the amount of material covered, I think I did pretty well. An added bonus was that I had a reason to memorize the Apostles Creed :)
Sidenote: I'm having a really hard time with my schoolwork lately because of my work/class schedule. On the average night I don't even get to start studying/doing homework until like 7pm at the earliest because I work till 6, then have to come home and cook my dinner, and eat before I have time to buckle down and do schoolwork. Add that to the fact that my classes are SOO much harder than I anticipated and it's a recipe for disaster. That said, basically I need to just suck it up and get more disciplined *sigh*, but right now it's just REALLY hard.
2. Homegroup on Wednesday was really good (as usual). I'm finding it easier and easier to open and share with the girls, and it has been really good getting to know them and hearing their struggles, triumphs and what God is teaching them. Having homegroup once a week has definitely been the silver-lining to my weekdays these past couple weeks.
3. Earlier today I got to go on a jog, and it was GLORIOUS outside. Seriously. I haven't seen a day as beautiful as today in a long time. I am so jealous of everyone at the UT/OU game! Today is just one of those days where everything is better outside.
4. Speaking of weather, the past month we have had awful weather here (excluding today, of course). I think I've officially decided that God didn't make me for colder climates. Even when I am just sitting at my desk at work my fingernails turn purple after a while because it is SO COLD. I always love the idea of winter, but I have a feeling it's going to get old really fast this year.
5. Marie and I are ordering aprons so we can be legit Stepford Wives for our costume dance party. I am so excited, it's ridiculous. I am going to wear mine ALL the time :)
6. Also, I am so excited for Thanksgiving. I'm ready to be home. I miss my family. Plus Thanksgiving is my 2nd favorite holiday. It's a BIG DEAL in my family, plus it means I get to cook all day with my mom, which is always really fun. Recently she has started letting me cook some of the dishes all by myself... I'm not gonna lie, I make a mean sweet potato casserole!
7. Exciting News: I'm officially signed up for the covenant membership class at The Village!!! It's actually kind of hard to get in because the classes fill up so quick and they only offer them every so often, but I got in to the one in November. After November 7th I will officially be a "covenant member".
The class is spread out over two days, Friday night and Saturday day. Here are some of the topics it covers:
What is the Church?
Gospel: What does it mean to be a believer in Jesus Christ?
What are the core values?
Why a covenant?
Our philosophy of ministry
I am so excited! Hopefully I don't geek out during any of this ;)
8. I took my Greek Midterm yesterday! It was probably the most intimidating test I've ever taken. I don't know if it's just me, but Greek is REALLY hard. Seriously. The other day my History of Christianity prof said that even "Augustine hated Greek because it was so hard"! Basically I studied all night (minus a nap from 2-4am). But I think it might have actually paid off! I haven't gotten my score back yet, but I'm pretty confident I didn't fail, so at least that's something! Ha.
9. Last night my roomie and I finally rearranged and decorated our room! It's so cute! I'll see what I can do about posting pictures or something later so everyone can appreciate our sweet decorating skillz ;)
When they had preached the gospel to that city and had made many disciples, they returned to Lystra and to Iconium and to Antioch, strengthening the souls of the disciples, encouraging them to continue in the faith, and saying that through many tribulations we must enter the kingdom of God. Acts 14: 21-22
I just got back from my first ever state fair! It was so much fun, BUT I ate so much that I basically made myself sick. I am so bad about moderation when it comes to stuff like this! I love trying new things in general, so seeing things like fried banana pudding, fried smores and fried anything-else-you-can-imagine definitely put my brain and stomach into overdrive!
Fried PB&J. Surprisingly good and satisfying...not a bad way to start.
My first ever funnel cake!
Probably my favorite picture of us. Ha. We couldn't help ourselves.
Petting zoo! This little guy was pretty much my best friend :)
Fried Butter. We decided to try this just to say we did. Basically it tasted like a biscuit with melted butter inside. Not half bad, BUT our bodies were on the verge of shutting down at this point from grease overload... hence the facial expressions. Ha.
And for those faithful few that are dying to see the henna...
Last night I was hanging out with a friend, and out of no where she pulled out a tube of henna. For those of you who don't know what henna is, it's a type of body art that is painted on and dyes the skin from anywhere to 1 week to a month (depending on how long you let it set, where on the body, etc etc). Personally, I've always thought it looked really cool, so of course I was pumped I got to do it last night. Only problem is we're a bunch of white girls who seriously lack the artistic skills needed to make an awesome henna design (me more than her... her's was actually really cute). So basically it looks like I just doodled all over myself. Granted, I know it will fade and eventually disappear, but it got me thinking... I could never get a tattoo. I mean, I've always kind of wanted one (and even as I write this I still kind of do), but I would get so tired of it so quickly! I haven't even had my henna on for a full day yet and I'm tired of it! Ha. It's cool though, I'm glad I learned my lesson this way instead of the hard way.
((For those of you that are curious, I'll post pic's of it later...))
In other news: TODAY I GET TO GO TO THE STATE FAIR FOR THE FIRST TIME! I'm ridiculously pumped. Things I want to do while there: eat. Things I plan on eating: Fried PB&J, a corndog (apparently it's a MUST at the fair), and a deep-fried oreo. Goodbye diet, hello fried deliciousness! Ha. I'm going to try to document it as much as possible so you all can share in my joy... plus I'm sure I'll post more thoughts on it later.
And just when you think the day couldn't get any better, I get off work at noon today! Hallelujah! I have high expectations for you Thursday... don't let me down.