Thursday, March 5, 2009

Check one off the list!

Today I found out that I'm going to be able to go to a mosque on the 18th!

From what I gather, we'll get to tour the mosque, observe a prayer session, sit through a Q&A with some of the elder-ish men(I have no idea what they're actually called) and then go to an Arab restaurant for dinner :)

I don't know if this was officially on my previous list of goals, but it is definitely something I've always been curious about!

Oh, and apparently one of the men that will be talking to us is a convert that used to be a Southern Baptist*.

*Southern Baptists and Mormons are the top converts to Islam.


Marie said...

you MUST tell me all about it. :)

Andrew did something a lot like this. Maybe even in Dallas... crazy if it's the same place. Ha.

Anonymous said...

From what I gather, we'll get to tour the mosque, observe a prayer session, sit through a Q&A with some of the elder-ish men(I have no idea what they're actually called) and then go to an Arab restaurant for dinner :)

I don't know if this was officially on my previous list of goals, but it is definitely something I've always been curious about!

Oh, and apparently one of the men that will be talking to us is a convert that used to be a Southern Baptist*.

I think that you're doing EXACTLY what I did a few weeks ago. We went to a mosque in Dallas, went to the Middle Eastern Restaurant, and one of our guides was a man who used to be Southern Baptist (although he says he was more Southern Baptist in name than anything).

The restaurant was spectacular. I don't know if you'll get to see the Belly dancer, but if so, you're in for a treat!