Tuesday, February 14, 2012

My Love

In honor of Valentine's Day and our impending nuptials (40 days!), I thought I'd write a little something about my love.

Here are some of the reasons I love Jeremy...

40. Because he's hilarious.
39. Because he's the most genuine person I know.
38. Because he's passionate about everything.
37. Because he's my favorite pastor.
36. Because he's always trying to surprise me.
35. Because he loves the Lord.
34. Because he goes out of his way to make me comfortable.
33. Because he's calm when I'm unreasonable.
32. Because he grew a beard for me, and kept it through the hot summer.
31. Because he's sentimental.
30. Because he's always looking for ways to serve.
29. Because he loves kids almost as much as I do.
28. Because he's handsome.
27. Because he lets me be ridiculous.
26. Because he is way too smart for me.
25. Because he's witty.
24. Because he's opinionated. About everything.
23. Because he's charming.
22. Because he faithfully proclaims the Word.
21. Because he's a closet Calvinist.
20. Because he listens to my constant babble.
19. Because he gives the best hugs.
18. Because he is the opposite of me in almost every way.
17. Because he loves the Church.
16. Because he's passionate about ministry.
15. Because he challenges me.
14. Because he is a great leader.
13. Because he's a man of conviction.
12. Because he is incredibly loyal.
11. Because he pursues me.
10. Because he watches SVU with me.
9. Because he is going to be a great father.
8. Because he is going to be a great husband.
7. Because he has a wealth of trivia knowledge.
6. Because people love and respect him.
5. Because he's a hard worker.
4. Because he's honest about his short-comings.
3. Because I never get tired of being around him.
2. Because he chose me.
1. Because he is everything I could have possibly wanted in a husband and so much more.

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