Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Odds and Ends

Okay okay, I know I have been neglecting this blog, but the past few weeks have been a whirlwind! Which basically just means I'm going to do an obligatory "update" post instead of something more interesting. Sue me.

5. Honduras was awesome! So thankful that the Lord allowed me to participate in His work there. Trip highlights include: teaching VBS, serving with Jeremy and getting to watch him do what he does best, getting to talk and play with some of the cutest kiddos ever, phase 10 tourney and watching other team members serve and have their giftedness used for His glory.

4. I'm officially registered for Summer classes! Right now I'm signed up for Topics in Latin American History, Spanish, Biographies of Outstanding Missionaries and Philosophy and Principles of Christian Education.

3. I may or may not have ran over a gallon of white paint with my dark gray car. I was on a dark highway and I didn't see it in time to swerve, so I ended up with a sweet custom paint job. Thankfully, my friend's husband has a wealth of random knowledge and knew to use lighter fluid to clean it off! So, word to the wise, if you ever get paint all over your car, use lighter fluid and then wash with soap. Works like a charm.

2. I visited my BFFAE in Oklahoma a couple weekends ago! I loved getting to spend time with her and meet all her Okla-homies (I couldn't help myself). Even though the weather wasn't ideal, I really enjoyed getting to fellowship and do life with her for a weekend.

1. On Monday, I turned twenty-one! This week has been full of celebration and I can't wait to fly home tomorrow (best birthday present ever, Yerms) to celebrate with my awesome boyfriend and family. I have felt so special and loved these past few days. I am so grateful for the people in my life that have made it a great birthday and I am beyond excited to see what the Lord has in store for this next year.

Alright, that about covers it! Over and out, bloggies.

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