Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Ah Schucks

Here's the scoop: I finally broke down and got a twitter.... not that I'd really been fighting it or anything (let's be honest, I already read a bunch of different tweeters (twitterers?)), but last night my FR (aka future roomie) convinced me to take the plunge.

So here are my questions:

1. What is it all about?
2. Is there anything I need to know going in?
3. What's your take on Twitter in general*?

*If you absolutely hate it or think it's narcissistic or whatever feel free to not leave a comment ;)


Marie said...

When you find all of this out, be sure to let me know. ;)

Zach said...

1. It's basically facebook statuses. haha.
2. "RT" means retweet, as in, somebody other than the person posting originally poster that tweet, but they decided to copy it and post it themselves.
3. Twitter is random, but I like it. It's like tiny blogs kind of.

Andrew said...

I'll only answer number 3, since Zach answered the first two pretty well.

I don't have a twitter, but I like the idea of it. Since my favorite part of Facebook is status updates, and my least favorite part is pictures, it makes perfect sense. The only reason I don't dump facebook and make the twitter leap is because so few of my friends are on twitter, and I feel like I'd be tweeting into oblivion.

jeremy said...

i'll pass on 1.

2. there's probably more than RT that you need to know. i've seen # and embedded URLs and videos and all sorts of jazz. and i'm still confused by RT a RT of a quote and stuff. seems pretty complicated. but i'll let you figure it all out first.

3. i'm kind of the opposite of andrew, and that's why i haven't made the leap. i'm not much of a status updater. but i'm open.

joe said...
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III said...

So, I guess I'm a little late on this, but here's my quick advice, in case you haven't figured it out already.

a. #fillintheblank is called a "mention". Twitter keeps tabs on all the mentions that happen, so if you mention something, you can see who else did (by clicking on the word metioned).

b. If you want to post a link, but it's ridiculously long, there are ways to get what are called "shortlinks"--that's the bit.blah, or tinyrl.blah, etc. That way you use up less words

c. If you go to the right sidebar and click on @username (I guess in your case it's @weghorst_dani), it will show you all the tweets you've been replied to in. So if I tweet "@weghorst_dani, what about them spurs?", it'll show up there, and so you can reply "@rniii, I don't know, but I'm not liking our chances this year". Or whatever.

Also, I'd like to say that the best two things that happened to twitter (@johnpiper, and @fakejohnpiper) are both gone, so there's now little good reason to have one, unless a lot of your friends do.