Thursday, August 13, 2009

Lights! Camera! Awkward!

Today I learned a very important life lesson... I do not enjoy being on camera (or at least I'm not very good at it)*. It kills me that some people are just naturals when it comes to this kind of stuff, because for some reason, when someone turns a camera on me I just get all awkward and clam up!

Let me just start at the beginning...

Today I was supposed to help Dwight Davis (the Missions pastor) with a video that is going to be used on the church website...unfortunately, I forgot to mention to him that I'm not really good at thinking on my feet and especially not with that amount of pressure! The question I was supposed to answer was "how has going on a mission trip with Northwest changed the way you live at home?", and in my mind I had an awesome answer planned out that would have been both encouraging and insightful...but when it came down to it I was completely lost. I tried to say words like "Jesus" or "missional" or "intentional" as much as possible, but I'm not sure I got out a single coherent thought.

Hopefully whoever is in charge of editing can work wonders!

* for those of you that remember, I was on the video team... but no, I was never very good at it.


Zach said...

everyone will be too blinded by your charisma to notice your blathering.

Marie said...

hahaha. Jesus is always the answer, so I am sure you are fine. But as Zach pointed out... your charisma will do most the work, so you're golden. ;)