Tuesday, October 26, 2010

This Just In...

This afternoon, I officially got accepted into the Gary Cook School of Leadership at DBU! Can I get an AMEN?! This winter I'll start integrating grad courses with my remaining undergrad until I graduate with both degrees (Lord willin') in August of 2012. When I graduate I'll have an BA in Christian Studies with a minor in Sociology and a MA in Global Leadership*. Oh, and for the record, I am so excited to be starting this new chapter in my life (side note: I feel like everything is moving so fast that this might as well be a subheading. Or maybe a paragraph in my "college chapter". You know, something short and sweet).

* Yes, I realize that sounds made up. I promise it's a real degree. It focuses on equipping ministers to reach (and minister to) people on a global scale, beyond cultural/religious/racial barriers, etc.

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