Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Tuesdays are for...

...stealing molly's idea's ;)

I feel like blogging (which is rare these days) and since my brain is complete mush after these last few days of nonstop homework and work, I figured I'd just list out some current faves for you guys...but to be original, I'll do lists of four! ha. Enjoy :)

Boy Names
  1. Noah
  2. Elijah
  3. Micah
  4. Caleb
Girl Names
  1. Grace
  2. Delilah (don't judge me)
  3. Rebekah
  4. Bethany
  1. come get some! (said in my best ghetto voice)
  2. hey boy, hey! (compliments of my RA)
  3. thebomb.com (usually preceded by "we are...")
  4. better than ever (because 19 feels SO good ;))
Short-term Goals
  1. Do well on ALL my finals
  2. Maintain my GPA
  3. Sleep at LEAST 6 hours a night (this one probably won't happen)
  4. Figure out my summer situation
Long-term Goals
  1. Graduate (duh)
  2. Work in ministry somewhere...anywhere
  3. Marry and procreate
  4. Be everyone's favorite grandma
Things about DBU
  1. My classes
  2. The wonderful people I've met
  3. Having prof's who care enough to invest in students on a personal level
  4. Campus
Things to do
  1. Talk to people (what can I say... I'm a talker ;)
  2. Sleep
  3. Watch random movies (this one is hit or miss with me)
  4. Procrastinate.
  1. Ernie Halter (my #1 for 3 years now, and he's STILL not getting old! ha)
  2. Amos Lee
  3. Frank Sinatra
  4. Jeff Johnson
  1. Arms of a Woman- Amos Lee
  2. Hosanna- Hillsong
  3. Darlin' I- Tony Lucca
  4. Feeling good- Michael Buble
Things to talk about
  1. Biblical Womanhood and scripture v. evangelical feminism ;)
  2. Other people's love stories
  3. My future
  1. DBU and being able to study something that really excites me
  2. My job (as much as I complain about it, it has been steady and SUCH a help)
  3. Having an amazing family that is supportive and willing to challenge me
  4. Awesome friends that bring me so much joy :)
Most Interesting Classes (so far)
  1. Old Testament
  2. Educational Ministry of the Church
  3. Intro to Christian Ministry
  4. New Testament (sadly, this is in spite of my prof)
  1. Fireproof (because it challenges me)
  2. A Beautiful Mind (because it's my classic)
  3. Far and Away (because Jeremy finally chose one I'd like ;))
  4. Arranged (because I love learning about different religions...and an arranged marriage is REAL tempting these days! ha)
  1. Soup...even though it's not soup weather anymore :(
  2. Mocha Maddness ice cream
  3. Really good bread...like the German Dark Wheat wholegrain bread I have stashed in my room.
  4. Cheese Enchiladas (because #1. they're delish and #2. I only get them when I am home, so they always go along with me and my rents "debriefing from college" talks :))
Things I miss
  1. My parents
  2. My friends from home
  3. Big Love *sigh*
  4. My bed
Things I need to do more of
  1. Prayer
  2. Cardio
  3. Studying
  4. Sleep
Random things I want to do over summer
  1. Go camping...unchaperoned just cause I can.
  2. Go tubing...because it's thebomb.com.
  3. Cooking and Baking...on a regular basis.
  4. Watch movies...lots of them.
Pastors I listen to
  1. Mark Driscoll
  2. Matt Chandler
  3. Josh Patterson
  4. John Piper


Marie said...

I knew all of these things about you... except maybe the movie list. ha. it's cool!

I can't wait to see you!! woop

this summer we WILL get a group together and go camping. we WILL cook and bake together. we WILL watch movies together (we already have quite the list) and I would really love to go tubing again.

I love you.

I am stealing this idea. :)

Zach said...

I definitely won't judge you for wanting a daughter named delilah, what an awesome sounding name for a girl. AND, it shows that she has power (not to mention that she's a smouldering temptress) heehee. Also, I prefer the term "thebomb.co.uk" it sounds more cultured than "thebomb.com" then there's also the elitist "thebomb.gov" or the terrorist "thebomb.il" (that's Israel's extension...I know, that joke was a bit far-fetched...) but anyway! I also appreciate your usage of the word "procreate."


Andrew said...

Marry and procreateGross.

Danielle said...

Zach, PERF! I love your suggestions, I will definitely take them into consideration. ha.

Andrew, this is why we could NEVER get married ;) haha.

Molly R said...

Yay!! I love lists :):)

I say the bomb.edu sometimes. hahaa. I gotta be diff!

Man, I love you. Can't wait till you come home and we get to chat.