Sunday, May 3, 2009


I am finding it increasingly hard to be productive. I'm just counting down the days till the end of this semester :) I am overdue for a little vacation. But before that I'm taking Christian Doctrine in a mini-mester, which I am REALLY excited about! woop woop! I think it'll be better if I just bullet my thoughts at this point...

  • I starting to enjoy Christian rap. Yea. Judge me if you must.
  • I have my first (and hardest) final Thursday! Yikes!
  • I am SOOO ready to be out of college and in ministry somewhere (but that is a subject for another blog...)
  • That being said, I still love my classes and the things I get to learn. It is such a blessing to be at a Christian school learning about the things I'm most passionate about!
  • I have a new favorite ice-cream. Me gusta Mocha Maddness.
  • It is ridiculous how many sermons I've listened to and books/articles I've read lately on the relationship between husbands and wives.
  • Speaking of husbands and wives, I totally aced my research paper on Ephesians 5:21-33 :)
  • I love babies (Just in case you forgot). And I am real excited about spending time with my precious niece over summer!!
  • Oh, I am super-dee-duper excited about starting greek next semester. but I am also a little nervous that it's going to eat my lunch.
  • The Spurs are already out of playoffs. It was tragic, BUT I am glad they get more time to rest and start rebuilding the team before next season. I feel a post about them coming up in the near future ;)
  • I can't wait to reunite with BD over summer!! woop woop. Nothing like being home with besties!
  • I've had a strong urge to play sports lately. I think it's because I've been couped up indoors writing papers and such.
  • If I have to write this many papers every semester for the rest of my college career I would probably consider dropping out.
  • I am really bad at procrastinating. Case in point, I have 7 papers/reports due tuesday and I've only done one of them.
  • I pulled my first all-nighter last week...well almost. I ended up going to bed at 5am and waking up at 7am, but I still count that as an all-nighter. ESPECIALLY considering how much I like sleep.
  • I am really sad I'm not interning anywhere this summer, but I keep reminding myself that this is only one season of life, and hopefully I will spend the rest of my life working in a church or being a part of ministry somewhere :)
  • Verse of the week: "The aim of our charge is love that issues from a pure heart and a good conscience and a sincere faith." 1 Timothy 1:5


Marie said...

1. Christian rap... haha. awesome!
2. I want to be done too. Blah. Can I just be a nurse already?!
3. I am liking ice cream more and more lately. Ha. Not sure if that is good or bad.
4. Marriage is everywhere. Seriously. My roommate is starting to plan her wedding... like legit. She will get engaged next year, so she won't be too young. ha
5. You talked to my roomie via speaker phone today.
6. Greek... SO COOL
7. Sad day about the spurs... :(
8. BLACK DEATH ROCKS! I need my best friends. simple as that.
9. I am going to train for a 5k this summer :)
10. Papers suck. done.
11. I wish I wasn't in summer school either.. but it's cool. then we are done. and boston. and new york. so don't fret, it will be a great summer.
12. great verse

i love you

Danica said...

8. I feel really good about reuniting BD too!! Its gonna be great!!!

Love you!

Andrew said...

Greek is fine, you'll do great.