Tuesday, November 25, 2008

#7: Medicine

I just took Robitussin cough medicine, which I haven't taken since I was a kid (even then I've probably only taken it twice). Well, I have been coughing like crazy, so I decided it would be in my best interest to medicate my troubles away. My inner dialogue went something like this...

ME: "I'll just drink a little bit of this 'long-acting' Robitussin and I will be healed and rejoice.
Surely it can't be as bad as I remember, maybe I was just being dramatic.
I should get something to wash it down just in case..."

*drinks medicine of death*

BLEH! Definitely worse than I remember.
Another one of the many reasons I choose not to get sick.

I don't get why medicine has to taste so bad*. I mean seriously, is there is no possible way they could have made it taste better? With all the modern advances in science and technology, they couldn't have managed a better tasting cough serum?!

*If you are one of those wierdo's that thinks cherry/bubblegum flavored medicine is yummy then you can just take a hike because I think you are full of it.


Anonymous said...

That's why it's best to stick to cough drops. Heck even hot tea with honey does the trick better (and I say that as a person who can't stand tea).

Marie said...

danielle, they make everything in pill form these days honey. do some research next time. ha. ;)