Thursday, February 26, 2009

Shalom Y'all!

I'm not sure if any of you have heard about the Cowboy Church Movement that the BGCT started not too long ago, but I'm sure at some point you have seen or heard of one of these churches...if not, it's about time for you to take a trip outside the city limits ;)

To be honest, I hadn't really given them much thought until I heard some of the statistics and stories about the mission of these churches and the people they were reaching out to. In Texas alone there is estimated to be 1 million people that are "actively part of the Western heritage culture, or bear a strong affinity towards it." Some people say that we will need close to 200 churches in order to reach all of these people. And as if that weren't enough, I've read about some of these churches where over 70% of the baptisms are adults (and the majority of those were men).

Now I'm not a cowgirl, nor do I aspire to become one, but knowing that there are Christians that are being intentional about reaching and evangalizing a group of people that have previously felt neglected by the Church makes me optimistic about the future. I can't help but be excited. Regardless of how you feel about the BGCT (and baptists in general), as a believer how can you not be excited about this?! I think we need more movements like this one that will reach people that feel disconnected from modern church culture. I think we need to start going out to meet people where they're at, engage in their lives and culture, and most importantly SPREAD THE GOOD NEWS OF SALVATION!

Whew. I need to go get a bottle of water and listen to some Johnny Cash or something ;)

Wednesday, February 25, 2009

2 Corinthians 5:10

For we must all appear before the judgment seat of Christ, so that each one may receive what is due for what he has done in the body, whether good or evil.
2 Corinthians 5:10

Friday, February 20, 2009

"Danielle wants" lots of things.

I decided to embrace my inner 7th grade girl...

1) Type in "[your name] needs" in the Google search.
2) Type in "[your name] looks like" in Google search.
3) Type in "[your name] says" in Google search.
4) Type in "[your name] wants" in Google search.
5) Type in "[your name] does" in Google search.
6) Type in "[your name] hates" in Google search.
7) Type in "[your name] asks" in Google search.
8) Type in "[your name] likes " in Google search.
9) Type in "[your name] eats " in Google search.
10) Type in "[your name] wears " in Google search.
11) Type in "[your name] was arrested for" in Google Search.
12) Type in "[your name] loves" in Google Search.

Mine is pretty rockin...

1) Danielle needs more self respect.
2) Danielle looks like she thinks George is hitting on her...
3) Danielle say's he's annoying.
4) Danielle wants to know, why does God hate Willowcat?
5) Danielle does not chat or instant message online, and does not use email to communicate with fans
6) Danielle hates cold calls from financial advisors.
7) Danielle asks for emergency diary room.
8) Danielle likes Cats. (sick-nasty)
9) Danielle eats a spicyyy samosa.
10) Danielle wears Prada!
11) Danielle was arrested for drunk driving.
12) Danielle loves Robert.

Monday, February 16, 2009

Roses are Red

Warning: This post is full of estrogen ;)

This past week has reminded me of something...

I do NOT like roses. My roomie came back with a dozen roses last night and now my room is filled with their stale scent. I know that the majority of guys that buy roses for their girlfriends/wives/mothers have good intentions, and a lot of girls genuinely love getting roses...I'm just not that girl. It's not that I think their intentions aren't good, I just think it's a cop-out (unless a girl specifically says her favorite flowers are roses).

However, I really do LOVE flowers.There are so many beautiful, fragrant flowers out there, but it's almost like 99% of Americans don't even know they exist. So here is a list of my favorites (in order of loveliness ;).

1. Hyacinth

2. Tulips

3. Oriental Lily

4. Lilacs

Sunday, February 15, 2009

Lamentations 3:24

"The Lord is my portion," says my soul, "therefore I will hope in him."
Lamentations 3:24

Tuesday, February 10, 2009


I am really fascinated by all the different names for God in the Bible, they all seem so eloquent and unique. Mostly, I love that each one carries a different meaning and significance. It's kind of funny to think how elementary my vocabulary looks next to these names...

- Self existing one
El Shaddi- The God of nourishment
Jehovah Roi- The God who sees
Olam- The everlasting God
Adoni- Master or Lord
Jehovah-Jireh-The Lord will provide
Jehovah-Nissi-The Lord our banner
Jehovah-Shalom-The Lord our peace
Jehovah-Savaoth-The Lord of Hosts
Jehovah-Rohi-The Lord my Shepherd
Jehovah-Tsidkenu-The Lord our righteousness
Jehovah-Sammah-the Lord Who is present
Jehovah-Rapha-the Lord our healer
Immanuel-God with us
El Yeshuasi-God is my salvation (Jesus)
Eli-God is my God
El Bethel-God is my sanctuary
El Elohim-God is the only true God
El Gibor-God is my mighty helper
El Roi-God is my all-seeing companion
Elohey Tehilaihi-God of my praise
Elohey Tzebaoth-God is my deliverer

(H.T. Titus 2 Men and Women)

Lil' Wayne Must be Reading My Mind

I don't know how many of y'all were fortunate enough to catch Katie Couric's interview with Lil' Wayne, but it was pretty epic...mostly because of this:

Lil' Wayne: "I'm a gangster, Miss Katie...I don't take nothin' from no one. I do what I want to do."

Apparently someone must have informed Mr.Wayne that he is well past the age requirement for "I do what I want".


Sunday, February 8, 2009

John 1:1-5

I don't know what happened, but lately it feels like everything is going on all at once. I work 18 to 20 hours a week, have class another 18, am on a VERY unskilled powderpuff football team, and have to find time to eat, sleep and talk to people. Oh, and study...something I have completely forgotten about till this last weekend. Ha. Oh man, this semester is going to be interesting, that's for sure!

In other news, I have decided to really buckle down and get serious about memorizing more scripture. So, in honor of that, I will be posting my verse for the week on here every Sunday. Feel free to quiz me on it during the week if you talk to me :)

In the beginning was the Word and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. He was in the beginning with God. All things were made through him, and without him was not any thing made that was made. In him was life, and the life was the light of men. The light shines in the darkness, and the darkness has not overcome it.

John 1:1-5

Wednesday, February 4, 2009


1. I LOVE Brittney Spears...seriously, her music makes me happy.

I just needed to get that off my chest ;)

Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Quote of the Day:

"Trusting God comes naturally when you start viewing Him accurately." -Prof. Lash

Monday, February 2, 2009

Oy Vey!

Those of you that know me, know I have a fascination with other religions and their traditions and beliefs. Usually, I focus on the Mormons and all their hoopla, but recently I've gotten really interested in the Jewish people and the traditions they have carried out over centuries.

Which brings me to my point...I want a traditional Jewish wedding*. I know what you're thinking...and I'm talking like 208 AD, not the crazy 21st century nonsense they do now.

For those of you who are unfamiliar with the idea, I'll attempt to sum it up.
Initially, the groom makes the proposal and works out the bride price with her father. Once all that has been taken care of, they are legally bound to one another (it was pretty rare that an engagement was canceled). At this point, they are pretty much a "done deal", and the groom goes back to his parents house to build a room where he and his wife will live. While he's busy building away on the home-front, the bride spends her time preparing herself for her role as a wife. Once the bride is ready for him she will start lighting a candle in her windowsill every night, until finally he comes for her in the middle of the night (I'm not totally sure that this always happened in the middle of the night, but it would make it much more romantic, so that's what I'm going with). They go off together to the place he has prepared for them, and consummate the marriage while the entire wedding party (including family, friends, and probably the rest of the town) waits outside the door. Once the marriage is consummated, they are officially husband and wife, and they join everyone outside for a celebration that lasts about a week.

Now I'm not really down for the whole living with his parents/"becoming one" while the town waits outside, but I understand the importance of those things and appreciate them for what they are. They just seem a little awk to me in this day and age...

Sadly, I feel like this will just be another goal that goes unfulfilled...I guess I'll just have to settle for the whole modern "big white dress-reception-honeymoon" thing that's so popular these days!

*for those of you that think I missed the whole point about what all this symbolizes, don't waste your time, I get all that stuff too. I guess for me, the idea of taking some of the fundamental principals of our faith and presenting it in a tangible and symbolic way would be the epitome of the perfect wedding celebration.